The Modernization and Enterprise Risk Department is created to guide the overall development of the NRA’s Modernization and Reform Program with a specific focus on: (1) developing and monitoring the NRA’s Modernization Program/Plan and Donor Coordination, (2) Project Management, and (3) Enterprise/Institutional Risk Management. These functions are executed in two ways; that is Internal and External.
The Modernization Department provides day-to-day administrative support for programs with a specialty in one or more of the following: change control and quality management. Risk and issue management. Project knowledge and reporting.
Understand the cost/benefit assumptions in relation to programmes and the Modernization Plan. This includes the appraisal of available options to make recommendations on the most feasible one through a Business Case
Monitor relationships with all stakeholders. This includes identifying their requirements and concerns and ensuring their expectations, and pressures are managed through a Stakeholder Communication Plan
Provide the Secretariat to the Modernization Steering Committee.
Develop NRA’s Strategy and Modernization Plan in response to changing internal and external environments.
iii. Coordinate, oversee, and guide the delivery of the Modernization Plan through the Programme and Project Boards and the Programme and Project Managers on their role and in their daily management activities.
iv. Monitor the overall progress of the Modernization Plan, identify and assess potential problems and strategic issues, propose changes in overall priorities, and brief Programme Boards and Steering Committee
v. Monitor and review the Modernization governance arrangements and make recommendations for their improvement where necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Programme and Projects
vi. Ensure that all NRA staff are aware of and understand NRA’s strategic direction and the Modernization Plan and their role in achieving NRA’s aims and objectives.
i. Coordinate, on behalf of NRA, all interactions with the donor community in relation to the Modernization Plan, including negotiating donor support, agreeing on terms of reference for and the use of external advisers, reviewing and agreeing on their inputs, and updating donor logs frames as necessary.
ii. Ensure that the Government of Sierra Leone, the citizens of Sierra Leone, and the international donor community are aware of and understand NRA’s strategic direction and the Modernization Plan.